Maximum Ride...

Maximum Ride...
Maximum Ride books... SUCH LIES!

Saturday, May 28, 2011


It has been literally forever since I updated. But let me tell you it was not fun, not updating. WAY to many weird, crazy, awkward, disturbing, amazing... you get the point... things have happened.
I found out where Fang and Gazzy was, through Gazzy's mind. Max and I flew over there. We found Fang and Gazzy. Max held her breath, turned purple and almost died because Fang wouldn't tell her the truth about why he left. Fang gave Max a ring--no he didn't propose (they are only 16!)--Max found a second ring and got all paranoid. I told Max she should ask him to marry her--just to see what would happen. She told me to ask him. I said fine! Fang started acting weird. Max called Fang to ask him why he was acting weird. Fang didn't understand; he told us he was on a private island on the coast of Hawaii. We were confused. The "Fang" that gave Max the ring was a clone. "Fang" has been a clone ever since Shadow died. Max found out she was watching a stranger sleep. We found out Nudge was going to The Performance and Arts Center. She got a scholarship. Nudge wants to become an actress. DUH!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Angel just told me about Iggy. She didn't even put this on the blog! So I'll tell ya! Angel and Iggy are dating! He dumped Ella for her!!!!!!!!!!!! I MEAN! OMG! I left. Angel is totally a b**** for not telling me sooner! It's been like a week. I'm leaving for a while. Like Fang.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Well... You know how I said, 'I mind controlled my mom and we don't go to school', well... I felt guilty cause she is my mom, so I uncontrolled her. I don't think that's possible... BUT HEY! It worked. Well about Jeb... So my mom knows about this guy now. From me and Gazzy. So we go to a 'private school' now. Can't tell ya my location. MOS. Well we did. It has all grades so Max was there too. I think don't think it was a 'coincedence'. Well, Max found out that Jeb, yes him, was subbing for our science teacher. In her grade, not mine. PHEW!!!!! Well, he smiled evilly at Max... UH OH! And now, we move schools. :)
-Angel and Gazzy, I don't know why I keep putting his name...


Max and Fang are back together and Fang disappeared. Again. I'm positive it was against his free will. I'm betting he got kidnapped. I can't pick up on his mind! AH!

16 ways to tell if you are obsessed with Maximum Ride :)

16 ways to tell if you are obsessed with Maximum Ride:

1. You keep having dreams that you are running from Erasers, then you jump off a cliff and snap open your wings
2. You claim you've seen the Flock flying over your school
3. You put wings on your dog and say, "FLY TOTAL!!"
4. You keep checking your back for wings
5. When someone at your school asks if they can borrow your eraser, you duck under desk and scream, "WHERE!!"
6. You wish your dog could talk
7. You regularly have conversations with your split personalities. Their names are: Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman, and Angel.
8.You get paranoid every time you go to the doctor's or smell antiseptic.
9. When you're on the edge of somewhere high and suddenly get the urge to jump off.
10. You think there's a voice in your head. (other than your own)
11. You try to find the toy store in NY so you can buy a Celeste teddy bear.
12. Whenever you order a pizza, you have to check for a bomb.
13. You think there's a tracking chip implanted in you.
14. Every night you pray for wings.
15. Each time you go to the beach you check to see if you can breathe under water.
16. If every time you look up and see birds, you think it's the flock and then you see that they're only birds and you say, "CRAP!"

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


This week's poll, you don't really need to vote. I put it up before they got back together. But others... VOTE VOTE VOTE! NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW!
-Angel and Gazzy

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


BREAKING NEWS: Max and Fang are now... K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then--you get the point. If you're stupid and didn't get the message... MAX AND FANG ARE DATING AGAIN!
-Angel and Gazzy... Well mostly Angel. :)

Monday, May 9, 2011


I--WE--put up a poll to see which flock member people like more. We both got 3 votes [each]! FIRST PLACE! Max and Fang came 2nd with 2 votes each. And sorry but Iggy and Nudge got only 1 each. :(
-Angel and Gazzy

I dunno how this happened... The poll says 'CLOSED' but someone(s) somehow voted... Therefore making us have 6 votes each. Iggy and Nudge have 2 each, Fang has 4, and Max has 3. We have no clue how this happened.... WEIRD!
-Angel and Gazzy
We still won!


Angel found Iggy... Usually I'd find that awesome but... She's got a freakin crush on him! I MEAN! COME ON! MY best friend is my sister's crush! I'm with Max! He is 7 freaking years older!!!!!!!!
Yes, Angel made me post.


I have a crush on Iggy! Gazzy's kinda like, "wow." and Max is all "He's 7 freaking years older than you!" Evidently my name is now "Angel Devil Ride". I guess that's what I get for locking Ella in a closet...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Here's the scoop on Shadow...

So you see. The WHOLE flock thought that Fang left to go *smoochy smooch* with Shadow... But here's some truth: Shadow said she would kill Max if he didn't leave with her. How pooey is that?! Max got poed so she threw Shadow off a cliff and cut off her wings... Not in that order. :) Fang is trying to get Max back, Max thinks he's cute when Fang's sleeping (she's obviously stalking him :)) and Max won't give into Fang's willingness. I mean! COME ON! Ya know you love him, Max! Fang wants you back! So COME ON!!!!
-Angel and Gazzy
Angel's one word to describe Fang: Totally in love with Max... I can read his mind! :) Yes it's more than 1 word. :)
Gazzy's one word to describe Fang: Punchingbag. :)
-Angel and Gazzy
Max's one word to describe Fang: B******.
Can't tell you where I got this... :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fang... Bleck.

Fang called the radio station, 107FM, to be interviewed... Guess what?! That's Max's favorite station... Max had to listen to his voice for like 30 MINUTES!, and here are Max's thoughts (and her Gmail status message :)), "Fang is poo. He left me for another woman!!!! How pooey is that?! He deserves nothing but poo to eat! Then when he eats to much of it, he'll turn into it!!!! Haha!"
Gazzy's thoughts, "I can't believe I actually thought of you as a friend!!!!!!!"


School... :P

My mom wants us to go to school but I mind controlled her... Oops. So we have like a whole life without school... I think a lot of kids envy us now. :) Well no school for us!!!! YAY!
-Angel and Gazzy

Friday, May 6, 2011

Max Ride Manga

So I was reading the manga on us and the drawings are actually pretty cool. All though... Fang does look like a girl! I mean... REALLY?! On the cover of Fang, the guy is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much more decent than the "other Fang". I mean COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Angel and Gazzy

P.S. I just finished the 3rd book... I can't wait to read more lies!!! :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Dear Fang...

JERKFACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nudge!!! How could you hang out with Shadow and him?!?!?!?!?! Please come to your senses!!!

Maximum Ride Such Lies...

I think they just make that crap up. James Patterson. One word; wow. Here's some truth for you. Fang, new group, COME ON! Fang. Leading a group. Fang. That's hilarious! Fang leaves for some pretty new winged girl on the block. Not to protect Max. Max does not need protecting. Have you seen her??? OK probably not... but you get the point. Dylan is like STUPID. I mean... If your going to make another birdkid, make him/her decent!!!!!! COME ON! Nudge, Iggy... Gone. Like Nudge is with Fang. Bleck. And Iggy... WHO KNOWS! Hopefully he got his sight back! (Good luck Igginator -Gazzy!!!) Gazzy and I are like the only one's to stay together. Max and I still like chat on Gmail and text (yes, cell phones!), but we really don't see each other. We decided we're going to blame it on Fang. Well it is his fault. I know what your waiting for. The big question. Did we find our parents?! I am proud to say yes, yes we did. The books are right, they did sell us... But it was our dad... WITHOUT Mom's permission... Mom kicked Dad out and he's probably in prison for drinking to much or something. My mom was p.o.ed. (Not supposed to let Max know I know cuss words :).) She is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy now. Good luck out there guys!
-Angel and Gazzy!