Maximum Ride...

Maximum Ride...
Maximum Ride books... SUCH LIES!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

16 ways to tell if you are obsessed with Maximum Ride :)

16 ways to tell if you are obsessed with Maximum Ride:

1. You keep having dreams that you are running from Erasers, then you jump off a cliff and snap open your wings
2. You claim you've seen the Flock flying over your school
3. You put wings on your dog and say, "FLY TOTAL!!"
4. You keep checking your back for wings
5. When someone at your school asks if they can borrow your eraser, you duck under desk and scream, "WHERE!!"
6. You wish your dog could talk
7. You regularly have conversations with your split personalities. Their names are: Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman, and Angel.
8.You get paranoid every time you go to the doctor's or smell antiseptic.
9. When you're on the edge of somewhere high and suddenly get the urge to jump off.
10. You think there's a voice in your head. (other than your own)
11. You try to find the toy store in NY so you can buy a Celeste teddy bear.
12. Whenever you order a pizza, you have to check for a bomb.
13. You think there's a tracking chip implanted in you.
14. Every night you pray for wings.
15. Each time you go to the beach you check to see if you can breathe under water.
16. If every time you look up and see birds, you think it's the flock and then you see that they're only birds and you say, "CRAP!"

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